Comic begins: A finger presses the home button an iPhone 8, this activate Siri, "Text Dave ''Dinner'" says the voice of the finger.
The iPhone 8 Siri replies with “Your message to Dave says ‘Dinner’, would you like to send?”
“Yes” says the voice. “Sent” replies Siri.
A woman standing front of the iPhone 8 hovers a hand over it. Next to her is a bowl and what looks like a HomePod in the other room.
“Hey Siri” She says aloud. “Uh-huh?” says HomePod Siri.
“Thank you” says the woman. “You’re welcome, Emily” says HomePod Siri.
Peace & Atoms
WARNING: Flashing animation below
Comic begins: Atoms, the cat taps Emily on her shoulder. Emily turns to say to Atoms and says “"Hey Boy”
Peace, the other cat appears to be sleeping in front of a window, below a tree branch..
Emily to Atoms, "What. You think you get food again?"
Peace, still sleeps in the other room,  maybe listening. Emily says "Peace isn't hungry."
Atoms' voice changes from his native tongue to a new language "You will feed me- MEOW"
"ME-" Says Atoms while Peace sleeps.
"-OW" says Atoms as he arcs his back, "ME-"
"EOW" says Atoms, while Peace sleeps, "MEO"
From a dark corner of the room, Atoms murmurs in his native tongue under his breath, "I cast upon you-" but is interrupted by...
Atoms and Peace’s paws and tails flash around the tree Peace was sleeping under. "ATOOOOMS" someone screams in black and white.
The fridge door is cracked open.  Emily holds a can of presumably cat food while an upright Atoms faces the scene.
And finally we see Peace licking his paw, smiling over what looks like a bowl, presumably with cat food recently in it. The End.

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